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Aero-Lack 1.000 ml.

Pris 1Stk 632,00 SEK

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Aero-Lack 1.000 ml.

Artikelnummer: A-lack
Lev. 1 - 3 dagar
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Utvecklat speciellt till flygvård.

Förhindrar att smuts och insekter sätter sig.

En behandling verkar ca. 1 år och gör ytan suverän blank och flott.

Antistatisk, UV beskyddande och förhindrar åldrande av t.ex. gelcoat.

Lämpar sig också till båtar och husvagnar, samt bilens framruta, front och fälgar.

Innehåll 1 liter.


German made aircraft cleaner & polish with Nano Technology. Suitable for New surfaces, as well good, weathered or slightly scratched surfaces (not pourous plastic like bumpers)

A care and protection product especially developed for gliders, aeroplanes and yachts. An enhanced, silicone-free combined polish/cleaner/ plasticiser with a long-lasting high efficiency Ultra Violet (UV) filter to protect from UV damage - especially at higher altitudes.

AERO-LACK cleans and protects smooth plastic and coated surfaces in only one working step. Its 4-phase-acrylic-sealing-compound + nano technologie cleans, regenerates, conserves and plasticises for months.

AERO-LACK is antistatic, quite UV resistant and prevents aging of surfaces, e. g. oxidation of gelcoat. Aged surfaces are cleaned and sealed by a molecular acrylic film.

Suitable for all metal and composite constructions. Silicone-free formulation is ideal for composite aircraft & gliders.

High Gloss build-up finish, note any significant dirt and soiling build-up should be removed before application of the Aeroplane care.
Suitable for all types of paint, metal effect lacquer, chrome, aluminium, enamel and smooth plastics

.Clean the surface from coarse dirt, or wash the plane and dry lightly.
.Apply AERO-LACK with a cotton cloth. It cleans and protects, removes tar rust and dirt. After 3 minutes a chemical process starts meanwhile the surface regenarates and hardens.
.The process will be finished after 30 to 40 minutes.
.Afterwards wipe of the grey dusty residue with a clean, smooth cloth. No polishing necessary.
.The Synchronous applied plastic film seals the surface for months and guarantees the best UV protection.

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